Jimmy Kimmel joked about the upcoming White House summit between Kanye West and Donald Trump on his late-night show Tuesday, where he also pointed a hilariousdouble standard by Fox News Sean Hannity when it comes to hip-hop.
On Thursday, the doors of the White House will open to welcome none other than Kanye West, Kimmel said. President of the United States is having lunch with Kanye. Now theres a Devils Triangle for ya. Am I only one who would buy that lunch on pay-per-view? I would love to see what they talk about.
Kimmel then noted that the rapper and the president would likely discuss prison reform, gang violence and how good it feels to unload like a maniac on Twitter.
Kimmel also pointed out Sean Hannitys hypocrisy by unearthing some archival clips from the Fox News hosts program when rappers were previously invited to the Obama White House. While Hannity chastised Obama in 2011 for inviting Common to the White House This is not a good message for our kids, Hannity said of Commons invite the host welcomes West with open arms.
Kanye West takes a stand for freedom of thought and freedom of expression, we should all support this, Hannity said.