Virology PowerPoint Lecture Notes

Powerpoint links collected from the website of :Prof Sudheer Kher, Prof TV Rao & Dr. Ekta

  1. Introduction to Virology & Classification of viruses
  2. General properties of Viruses
  3. Virus Host Interaction
  4. Lab Diagnosis of viral infections
  5. Bacteriophage (Web page)
  6. Herpes
  7. Herpes viruses by Dr. TV Rao
  8. Cytomegalo virus by Dr. TV Rao
  9. Pox + Adeno
  10. Picorna + Entero
  11. Orthomyxo viruses
  12. Paramyxoviruses
  13. Arbo viruses
  14. Rhabdoviruses_Rabies
  15. Infectious Hepatitis viruses
  16. Hepatitis B, D.
  17. HIV-1/2
  18. HIV Infection, tests & testing strategies
  19. HIV 2/2
  20. Oncogenic viruses
  21. Miscellaneous viruses
  22. SARS CDC fact sheet pdf for print
  23. Slow virus Infections of CNS
  24. Swine Flu
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