Ophthalmology Current Concepts - Presentations

PDF  links collected from the website of : 
Department Of Ophthalmology,Suny Downstate Medical Center .

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Neuro-ophthalmic Diagnosis Not to Miss
Dr. Steven A. Newman
Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma: Home to the Diagnostic Dilemmas
Dr. Louis R. Pasquale
New Tonometers – Ready for Prime Time?
Dr. Leon W. Herndon
Pediatric Glaucoma Surgical Management
Dr. Lama A. Al-Aswad
Systemic and Retinal Diseases Masquerading as Neuro-ophthalmic Disorders
Dr. Steven A. Newman
Pediatric Surgical Pearls I
Dr. Craig A. McKeown
Exfoliation Syndrome: A Look Beyond LOXL1
Dr. Louis R. Pasquale
Esotropia Management Pearls
Dr. James Deutsch
Glaucoma Surgical Pearls
Dr. Leon W. Herndon

Evolving Role of OCT in Neuro-ophthalmology
Dr. Steven A. Newman
Pediatric Surgical Pearls II
Dr. Craig A. McKeown
Controversies in Glaucoma
Dr. Shobit Rastogi
Drug Delivery - Beyond Eye Drops
Dr. Paul L. Kaufman
Pediatric Glaucoma Diagnosis and Medical Management
Dr. Louis R. Pasquale
Gene Therapy for Glaucoma
Dr. Paul L. Kaufman
Progression Toward an Artificial TM
Dr. John Danias
Presbyopia - Up Close
Dr. Paul L. Kaufman

Audio of the lectures are embedded in PDF file. On the first slide of every PDF there is a sound icon in the upper left corner. Press that to open a floating audio control panel.Use the next page - previous page navigation in Acrobat reader to follow along with the audio.

Don't forget to visit my other best posts in ophthalmology section.

ophthalmology presentations

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