People trained in Economics think in a certain way. They analyze everything critically; they compare the cost and the benefits of every issue and make decisions based on those costs and benefits. For example, you’re trying to decide whether a policy to eliminate terrorist attacks on airlines is a good idea. Economists as trained to put their emotion aside and ask: what are the costs of the policy, and what are the benefits? Thus they are open to the argument that security measure, such as conducting body searches of every passenger or scanning all baggage with bomb-detecting machinery.


Orang-Orang terlatih dalam hal Ekonomi berpikir dalam suatu cara tertentu. Mereka meneliti segalanya dengan kritis; mereka membandingkan biaya dan keuntungan-keuntungan tiap-tiap isu dan membuat keputusan berdasar pada biaya-biaya dan manfaatnya. Sebagai contoh, kamu sedang berusaha untuk memutuskan apakah suatu kebijakan untuk menghapuskan teroris menyerang pada perusahaan penerbangan adalah suatu gagasan baik. Ahli ekonomi yang terlatih mengesampingkan emosi mereka dan bertanya: berapa harga sebuah kebijakan dan apa manfaatnya? Jadi mereka membuka argumen tentang ukuran sebuah keamanan seperti pelaksanaan pencarian badan dari tiap penumpang atau membaca sekilas semua bagasi dengan mesin pendeteksi bom..


Noun Phrase: People trained, a certain way, the cost, the benefits, a policy, terrorist, attack, a good idea, their emotion, the argument, that security measure, bomb-detecting machinery.

Prepositional phrase: In Economic, in a certain way, on those costs, for example, on airlines, with bomb-detecting machinery.

Verb Phrase: They analyze, they compare, make decision, based on those costs, you’re trying, to decide whether, eliminate terrorist attack, is a good idea, Economist are trained to put their emotion, they are open.

Conducting body, scanning all baggage.


Independent Clause: People trained in economic think in a certain way, they analyze everything critically, they compare the costs, and benefits of every issue, and make decision based on those costs and benefits, you’re trying to decide whether a policy to eliminate terrorist attacks on airlines is a good idea. Economists are trained to put their emotions aside and ask, thus they are open to the argument that security measure

Adverbial Clause: For example, what are the costs of the policy, and what are the benefits?, such as conducting body searches of every passenger, or scanning all baggage with bomb-detecting machinery.


Arabia is a large tract of country in the south-west of Asia. It’s bounded on the north by the Syrian Desert; on the east by the Persian Gulf; on the south by the Indian Ocean; and on the west by Red sea. This vast region, which embraces on area twice the size of France at the height of her greatness, is divided into several parts of provinces, differing more or less from each other in the character of their soil, their climate, and the appearance of the people. AMEER AL, SYED, PC. Kitab Bhavan, 1994, short history o the Saracens


Arabia adalah bidang /daerah negri yang luas di Asia tenggara. Ini dibatasi oleh gurun pasir Syrian disebelah utara: diselah timur dibatasi oleh teluk Persian, di sebelah selatan dibatasi oleh Samudra Hindia dan diselah barat oleh Laut merah. Wilayah yang luas ini mencakup sebuah area dua kali lebih tinggi kebesarannya dari ukuran Negara perancis. Terbagi dalam beberapa bagian pripinsi yang membedakan lebih kurang dari yang lain adalah karakter dari tanahnya, iklimnya dan penampilan manusia.

Noun Phrase: A large tract, the south west, the north, the Syrian Desert, the east, the Persian gulf, the south, the Indian Ocean, the west, the Red sea, this vast region, an area, the size, the height, her greatness, the character, their soil, the appearance, the people.

Prepositional phrase: In the south west of Asia, by the Syrian Desert, on the east, by the Persian gulf, by the Indian Ocean, on the west, by the Red sea, at the height, into several parts, from each other, in the character,

Verb Phrase: It is bounded on the north, embrace an area, divided into several parts of provinces,

Gerund phrase: differing more or less,


Independent Clause: Arabia is a large tract of country in the south west of Asia, this vast region, is divided into several part of provinces,

Adverbial Clause: it is bounded on the north by the Syrian Desert/ on the east by the Persian Gulf/ on the South by the Indian Ocean and on the west by Red sea/ differing more or less from each other in the character of their soil, their climate, and the appearance of the people.

Adjective Clause: which embraces an area twice the size of France at the height of her greatness?


The principle underlying the assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorder of adolescence but there are some practical difference. The patterns of disorder prevalent in adolescence are also somewhat different from that seen in childhood. Adolescence is a time of rapid change-physical, emotional, and social. The development is the gradual adoption of the adult role-social, vocational and sexual. PHILIP BARKER, University Park Press, 1983, Basic Child Psychiatry, halaman 200.


Prinsip yang mendasari perawatan dan penilaian psikiatris tentang kekacauan masa remaja tetapi ada beberapa perbedaan praktis. Pola teladan kekacauan yang lazim di masa remaja juga sedikit banyaknya berbeda dari masa kanak-kanak dilihat dari hal itu. Masa remaja adalah suatu masa tentang perubahan fisik yang cepat, emosional, dan sosial. pengembangan adalah adopsi yang berangsur-angsur perputaran soisal orang dewasa, kejuruan dan seksual.


Noun Phrase: the principle, the assessment, some practical difference, The patterns, in childhood, rapid change-physical, The development, the gradual adoption, the adult role-social

Proportional Phrase: in adolescence, from that seen

Verb Phrase: Adolescence is a time


Independent Clause: The principle underlying the assessment/and treatment of psychiatric disorder of adolescence/but there are some practical difference/The patterns of disorder prevalent in adolescence are also somewhat different from that seen in childhood/Adolescence is a time of rapid change-physical, emotional, and social/The development is the gradual adoption of the adult role-social, vocational and sexual.


A common explanation for the evidence of linguistic similarity and distribution is the frequency of communication between speakers. The most obvious determinants of frequency are proximity, work, power, and liking. If one undertakes to write a rule predicting who will speak to whom, with a given intent, proximity always enters into the rule. Talked with more; in classroom, neighbors become acquainted; and in small groups, seating controls interchange frequency. JOSHUA A. FISHMAN, Mouton & C.O.N.V. Publisher The Hague, 1971, Advances in the Sociology of Language, halaman 6.


Suatu penjelasan umum untuk bukti distribusi dan persamaan ilmu bahasa adalah frekwensi komunikasi antara para pembicara. faktor penentu frekwensi yang jelas adalah dekatnya, pekerjaan, kekuatan, dan kegemaran. Jika seseorang berusaha untuk menulis sebuah aturan penggambaran kesimpulan siapa yang akan berkata kepada siapa akan berbicara, dengan tujuan yang ditentukan, pendekatanya selalu masuk kepada aturan itu. yang dibicarakan dengan Lebih; di kelas, tetangga menjadi berkenalan; dan dalam kelompok kecil, tempat duduk kendali mempertukarkan frekwensi.

Noun Phrase: A common explanation, the evidence, the frequency, a rule, the rule, classroom, the most obvious determinant, a given intent

Prepotional phrase: For the evidence of linguistic, between speakers, with given intent, into the rule, in classroom, in small groups, with a given intent, with more,

Verb Phrase: If one undertakes to write a rule, enter into the rule, who will speak, talked with more, becomes acquainted,

Gerund phrase: Seating control,


Independent Clause: A common explanation for the evidence of linguistic similarity, and distribution is the frequency of communication between speakers, the most obvious determinants of frequency are proximity, work, power, and liking,

Adjective Clause: If one undertakes to write a rule predicting who will speak to whom,

Adverbial Clause: with a given intent/ proximity always enters into the rule/ Talked with more in class room, neighbors, become acquantedand in small group/

Seating controls interchange frequency.


If you looked down from an airplane over the United States, you would see cars, trucks, buses and trains moving along below you. Most of the people in them are not migrating. They are just making short trips to work, stores or schools. But some of the people are migrating and if you could watch their movements over the entire United States for along time, you would notice certain patterns. For example, the number of people who are moving south, the number of the people who are moving north, and there are more people moving west than east. ARTHUR GETIS JUDITH M. GETIS, Houghton Mifflin Company, Geography, halaman 81


Jika kamu melihat kebawah dari sebuah pesawat terbang seluruh Amerika Serikat, kamu akan lihat;mobil-mobil, truk-truk, bis-bis dan kereta berjalan terus di bawah kamu. Kebanyakan dari orang-orang pada mereka tidak berpindah tempat. Mereka hanya membuat perjalanan pendek untuk bekerja, toko atau sekolah. Hanya beberapa orang-orang yang pindah tempat dan jika kamu bisa mengamati pergerakan mereka secara keseluruhan Amerika Serikat untuk sepanjang waktu, kamu akan melihat pola yang pasti. Sebagai contoh, banyaknya orang-orang yang bergerak ke arah selatan, banyaknya orang-orang yang bergerak ke arah utara, dan di sana lebih banyak orang-orang yang bergerak ke arah barat dibanding ke arah timur.

Noun Phrase: An air plane, the United State, the people, their movement, a long time, the number of people,

Prepositional Phrase: From an air plane, over the United State, below you, or school, over the entire United State, for a long time, for example

Verb Phrase: If you looked down, you would see car, they are just making short trips, to work store, people are migrating, you could watch their movement, you would notice certain patterns, people who are moving north.

Gerund Phrase: Trains moving along below you, making short trips


Independent Clause: If you looked down an air plane over the United States/ they are just making short trips to work, store, or school/if you could watch their movement over the entire United States for a long time

Adverbial Clause: you would see car, trucks, buses and trains moving a long below you/ Most of the people in them are not migrating/ but some of the people are migrating/you would notice certain patterns/for example/

Adjective Clause: The number of people who are moving south/the number of the people who are moving north/and there are more people more moving west than east.


Following the research method associated with the culture historical approach, investigators begin with data from individual site and combine them to increase the scale and scope. Data collection is used to formulate cultural sequence. These sequences are often tested by subsequent work. We will briefly describe a standard culture historical methodology by recounting the steps normally followed in conducting archaeological research. ROBERT J. SHARER WENDY ASHMORE, Philip A. Butcher Publisher, Archeology Discovering Our Past, 2003, halaman 72


Mengikuti metoda riset menghubunghan dengan pendekatan secara historis kultur, para peneliti memulai dengan data dari lokasi individu dan mengkombinasikan mereka untuk meningkatkan lingkup dan skala. Pengumpulan data digunakan untuk merumuskan urutan budaya. Urutan ini sering diuji oleh pekerjaan yang berikut. Kita akan menguraikan dengan singkat suatu kultur standard metodologi historis dengan menceriterakan langkah-langkah yang secara normal yang diikuti dalam pelaksanaan riset arkeologis.

Noun Phrase: The research method, the culture, individual sites, the scale, Data collection, these sequences, the step,

Prepositional Phrase: with the culture, with data, from individual sites, by recounting the step, in conducting,

Verb Phrase: Associated with the culture, investigators begin with data, to increase the, scale and scope, to formulate cultural sequences, the sequences are often tested, we will briefly describe a standard culture historical methodology,

Gerund Phrase: Following the research method, recounting the step,

Adverbial Phrase: by recounting the step normally, conducting archeology research


Independent Clause: following the research method associated with the culture historical approach/ investigators begin with data from individual site and combine them to increase the scale and scope/ Data collection is used to formulate cultural sequence/

Adverbial Phrase: We will briefly describe a standard culture historical methodology by recounting the steps normally followed in conducting archaeological research.


Is the area of health that focuses on following guidelines for the safe use of prescription and OTC drugs, not misusing or abusing drugs, avoiding risk factors and practicing protective factor for drugs misuse and abuse using resistance skills if pressured to misuse or abuse drugs, not drinking alcohol, avoiding tobacco use and secondhand smoke, not being involved in illegal drugs use, choosing a drug-free lifestyle to reduce the risk HIV infection and unwanted pregnancy, choosing a drug-free lifestyle to reduce the risk of violence and accidents, and being aware of resource for the treatment of drug misuse and abuse. LINDA MEEKS PHILIP HEIT RANDY PAGE, The MC Grew-Hill Companies, 2003, Comprehensive School Health Education, halaman 31.


Adalah area kesehatan yang memusat pada petunjuk berikut untuk penggunaan resep obat yang aman dan OTC obat/racun, tidak menyalahgunakan atau menyalah-gunakan obat/racun, menghindarkan factor-faktor yang beresiko resiko dan faktor yang bersifat melindungi untuk penyalahgunaan obat-obatan dan menyakiti yang menggunakan ketrampilan pembalasan jika dipaksa untuk menyalahgunakan atau menyakitit obat/racun, [yang] tidak mabuk alkohol, menghindarkan asap bekas dan penggunaan tembakau, tidak sedang dilibatkan di (dalam) obat/racun tidak sah menggunakan, memilih suatu drug-free lifestyle untuk mengurangi resiko itu HIV infeksi/peradangan dan kehamilan tak dikehendaki, memilih suatu drug-free lifestyle untuk mengurangi resiko [kekerasan/ kehebatan] dan kecelakaan, dan senantiasa sadar akan sumber daya untuk perawatan obat/racun menyalahgunakan dan menyakiti.

Noun Phrase: The area, the safe, OTC drugs, risk factors, a drug-free, the treatment, the risk HIV infection

Prepositional Phrase: on following guidelines, for the safe, for drug misuse, or abuse drug, in illegal, the risk, for the treatment,

Verb Phrase: That focuses on following guidelines, not misusing or abusing drugs, to misuse or abuse drug, not drinking alcohol, not being involved in illegal, to reduce the risk of violence, to reduce the risk HIV infection,

Gerund Phrase: abusing drugs, avoiding risk factors, practicing protective factor, using resistance skill, avoiding tobacco, choosing a drug-free, following guidelines


Independent Clause: Is the area of health that focuses on following guidelines/ for the safe use of prescription and OTC drugs/, not misusing or abusing drugs/, avoiding risk factors and practicing protective factor for drugs misuse/, and abuse using resistance skills if pressured to misuse or abuse drugs/, not drinking alcohol, avoiding tobacco use and secondhand smoke/, not being involved in illegal drugs use/, choosing a drug-free lifestyle to reduce the risk HIV infection and unwanted pregnancy/, choosing a drug-free lifestyle to reduce the risk of violence and accidents/, and being aware of resource for the treatment of drug misuse and abuse


The origin complex organization of living material makes it difficult to understand how it could ever have become established. Was its origin governed by the same evolutionary processes as have determined the progressive diversification of living organism, or was it governed by other factors that take question beyond the reach of scientific analysis? There are matters that can here be dealt with only very briefly, but it is essential to make some reference them, not only because of their inherent interest, but they help us to understand better the different patterns of organization of living system, and the relationship by which that system are linked with each other and with the physical environment. E.J.W. BARRINGTON, Edward Arnold Publisher, 1980, Environmental Biology, halaman 31.


Asal organisasi yang kompleks tentang material hidup membuatnya sukar untuk memahami bagaimana itu bisa menjadi dibentuk. Asal nya yang diatur oleh proses evolusiner yang sama seperti halnya menentukan penganeka-ragaman yang progresif tentang organisma hidup, atau diatur oleh faktor lain yang mengambil pertanyaan di luar jangkauan analisa ilmiah? Ada berbagai hal yang dihadapkan hanya dengan singkat disini, tetapi ini penting untuk membuat beberapa acuannya, tidak hanya itu karena mereka tidak bisa dipisahkan unutk menarik perhatian, tetapi mereka membantu kami untuk memahami lebih baik pola teladan organisasi yang berbeda dengan sistem hidup, dan hubungan dengan sistem yang dihubungkan satu sama lain dengan lingkungan Fisik.

Noun Phrase: The complex organization, same evolutionary process, the reach, scientific analysis, some reference, the different patterns, the relationship, the progressive diversification, other factors, the physical environment. Better.

Prepositional Phrase: By the same evolutionary process, by other factors, beyond the reach, by which these system, with each other, with the physical environment.

Verb Phrase: Living material makes it difficult, to understand how it could have become established, have determined the progressive diversification, it was governed by other factors, to make some reference, they help us, to understand


Independent Clause: The origin complex organization of living material makes it difficult to understand how it could ever have become established

Adverbial Clause: Was its origin governed by the same evolutionary processes as have determined the progressive diversification of living organism/or was it governed by other factors that take question beyond the reach of scientific analysis?


Part of the difficult in understanding in black politics stem from flawed views of the larger economic and political system in which black political actors operate. A common political analogy likens black to white ethnic groups and is followed by argument that even if blacks are not precisely like white ethnic group, their usages of group power can produce similar result. Blacks, therefore are encourage to follow the white ethnic group example, including to supposed use of the political system to achieve status and economic power for the group. This model is troublesome because it distorts white ethnic group history (most significantly the way they really used politic) and the sociology of both the black experience and the white ethnic experience. MICHAEL B. PRESTON, Longman, The New Black Politic, 1982, halaman 75.


Bagian yang sulit dalam pemahaman politik hitam berasal dari pandangan ekonomi yang lebih besar dan sistem politik di mana para aktor politis hitam beroperasi. Suatu analogi politis yang umum mempersamakan hitam ke kelompok etnik putih dan diikuti oleh argumentasi yang sekalipun hitam tidaklah tepat seperti kelompok etnik putih, pemakaian kekuatan kelompok mereka dapat menghasilkan hasil serupa. Hitam, oleh karena itu mendorong untuk mengikuti contoh kelompok etnik putih, termasuk mengira penggunaan sistem politik untuk mencapai status dan kekuatan ekonomi untuk kelompok itu. Model ini menyusahkan sebab ini menyimpang sejarah kelompok etnik putih ( dengan cara yang mantap mereka benar-benar menggunakan kebijaksanaan) dan sosiologi kedua-duanya pengalaman yang hitam dan pengalaman etnik putih.

Noun Phrase: The difficulty, black politics, the larger economic, political system, a common political, black political, white ethnic, , their usages the white ethnic group, the political system, economic power, the group, This model, the sociology, the black experience, the white ethnic experience.

Prepositional Phrase: In understanding black politics stem, from flawed views, in which black political, by argument, for the group,

Is followed by arguments, can produce similar result, to follow the white ethnic group, including to supposed use of the political system, to achieve status

Gerund Phrase: understanding black politics stem,


Independent Clause: A common political analogy likens black to white ethnic groups and is followed by argument that even if blacks are not precisely like white ethnic group/ their usages of group power can produce similar result.

Adjective Clause: Part of the difficult in understanding in black politics stem from flawed views of the larger economic and political system in which black political actors operate.

Adverbial Clause: therefore are encourage to follow the white ethnic group example


The problem of is essentially one of concentration, and the supposed eccentricities of poets are usually due to mechanical habits or ritual developed in order to concentrate. Concentration of course, for the purposes of writing poetry, is different from the kind of concentration required for working out sum. It is a focusing of the attention in a special way, so that the poet is aware of all the implications and possible development of his idea, just as one might say that a plant was not concentrating on developing mechanically in one direction, but in many direction, towards the warmth and light with its leaves, and towards the water with its roots. MALKER GIBSON, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1963, Poems in The Making, halaman 75.


Permasalahan dalam penulisan kreatif sangat utama salah satu dari konsentrasi, dan perilaku aneh penyair yang diharapkan pada umumnya dalam kaitan dengan upacara agama atau kebiasaan mekanik yang dikembangkan dalam rangka berkonsentrasi. Konsentrasi tentu saja, untuk kepentingan yang bersyair, berbeda dari macam konsentrasi yang memerlukan untuk memecahkan penjumlahan. Ini merupakan suatu pemusatan perhatian di suatu cara yang khusus, sehingga penyair menyadari semua implikasi dan pengembangan gagasanya, sama halnya orang mengatakan bahwa sebuah tumbuhan tidaklah berkonsentrasi pada pengembangan dengan mesin dalam satu arah, tetapi dalam banyak arah, ke arah kehangatan/keramahan dan cahaya daun-daunnya , dan ke arah air dengan akarnya.


Verb Phrase: to concentrate, say that a plant, was not concentrating

Gerund Phrase: creative writing, writing poetry, working out sum, developing mechanically

Prepositional Phrase: one of concentration, in order to concentrate, for the purposes, from the kind of concentration, for working out sum, in a special way, on developing mechanically, in one direction, in many direction, towards the warmth, light with its leaves,

Noun Phrase: The problem, the supposed eccentricities, the attention, the kind of concentration, the purposes, a special way, the poet, the implications, possible development, his idea, one direction, its leaves, the warmth,


Independent Clause: The problem of is essentially one of concentration/and the supposed eccentricities of poets are usually due to mechanical habits/or ritual developed in order to concentrate/ Concentration of course, for the purposes of writing poetry, It is a focusing of the attention in a special way/, so that the poet is aware of all the implications and possible development of his idea/, just as one might say that a plant was not concentrating on developing mechanically in one direction/, but in many direction, towards the warmth and light with its leaves/, and towards the water with its roots

Adjective Clause: is different from the kind of concentration required for working out sum

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